Saturday, February 25, 2012

Going Nutty!

Like most Coupon Queens, I love talking about couponing. With an almost religious fervor we proselytize about coupons; some of us teaching classes, making speeches or actively pursuing media opportunities where we can demonstrate our creative couponing skills. We are, indeed, crazy about coupons.

Or, if you ask some of our family and friends, just crazy.

In my couponing workshops, I stress the importance of buying and stockpiling by the sales. That means you should know the regular price of the items you typically purchase and maximize your savings by combining sale prices on those products with the coupons you have clipped and saved just for that purpose.

When I spotted a Planters Nutrition coupon in the newspaper for 75-cents off, I did two things: I collected as many as I could from friends and family, and  went online to to see if they had any of that coupon in stock.  They did, only theirs were for $1.00 off. (if you haven't learned by now, you will find out; different areas of the country and even different newspapers in the same state, will have different coupons) So, for a ten-cent clipping fee, I ordered some of the $1.00 Nutrition coupons.

And then I waited.

Now, everyone in my family loves these nuts; even my children, and they are good for us. (within reason) The normal retail price of these cans varies, but averages around $5.00 a can. I've seen the price as high as $8.00 in some drugstores. So when I saw our Fareway advertising the Nutrition on sale for $3.49 a can, I knew it was time for me to use my coupons.  The only drawback to shopping like this is the reaction I get from others. Spotting eleven cans in my cart, the cashier's eyes widened, her mouth dropped open a bit, and she blurted out, "You must be having a party or something."
Buying over $35 worth of nuts in one trip probably does look a little crazy.

It seems only slightly less crazy when I pull out my $1 coupons.

Imagine what the cashiers are thinking when it is a cartload of toilet paper or feminine protection.
"You must be...having some kind of problem at your house..."

Nope. No problem.  Just a good sale.

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